Emil Păun and Anca Nedelcu

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I. Organizations

I. 1. Conceptual Remarks

I. 2. Organizational development

Appendix 1



II. 1. Conceptual remarks

II. 2. Patterns of organizational culture analyses


III. Management of Adults Education institutions – general overview

III. 1. Short historical perspective

III. 2. Conceptual remarks – Management vs. leadership

III. 3. Principles of Management

III. 4. Managerial functions

III. 4. 1. Conceptual remarks

III. 4. 2. The content of management functions


IV. Human Resource Management

IV. 1. Recruitment

IV. 2. Selection

IV. 3. Appointment

IV. 4. Orientation

IV. 5. Promotion

IV. 6. Staff Appraisal

IV. 7. Termination


V. Human Relation Management

V. 1. General considerations

V. 2. Communication Management

V. 3. Conflict Management

V. 4. Team Management




Cuprins Pagina de start eBooks
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© Universitatea din Bucureşti 2003. All rigths reserved. No part of the text may be reproduced in any form without written permission of the University of Bucharest, except for short quotations with the indication of the website adress and the web page. This book was first published by Editura Universităţii din Bucureşti ISBN: 973-575-815-6
Comments to: Emil Păun and Anca Nedelcu
Last update: Noiembrie 2003
Web designer, Text editor: Annemarie Lihaciu